Odoo Programming web

How to deploy Odoo ERP on Digital Ocean for 5$ per month

You don’t need to spend tones of money to start manage your business wisely. Here is how to deploy for 5$ per month Odoo on Digital Ocean, step by step.

css front-end Hack Programming web

CSS-Tricks Movable cards

The plugin in action Download the plugin & contribute 🙂 How to make this plugin The source CSS-Tricks is an amazing website and Chris Coyier‘s Youtube channel is a great place to learn new CSS and Javascript tricks. Today I applied the Moving stack cards walk trough tutorial. And I learned how to use select […]

Engineering Programming Technology Technology web

Javascript won’t load or update in Odoo

If you are debugging JavaScript code in Odoo and it happens that you can’t get it updated or worst it’s not loading the official documentation is a good reference “What to do if a file is not loaded/updated”. But I experienced and issue as I always use –dev=all and the JavaScript won’t load at all […]