You don’t need to spend tones of money to start manage your business wisely. Here is how to deploy for 5$ per month Odoo on Digital Ocean, step by step.

You don’t need to spend tones of money to start manage your business wisely. Here is how to deploy for 5$ per month Odoo on Digital Ocean, step by step.
The plugin in action Download the plugin & contribute 🙂 How to make this plugin The source CSS-Tricks is an amazing website and Chris Coyier‘s Youtube channel is a great place to learn new CSS and Javascript tricks. Today I applied the Moving stack cards walk trough tutorial. And I learned how to use select […]
If you are debugging JavaScript code in Odoo and it happens that you can’t get it updated or worst it’s not loading the official documentation is a good reference “What to do if a file is not loaded/updated”. But I experienced and issue as I always use –dev=all and the JavaScript won’t load at all […]