Lifehack Lifehack Technology Video

Screencastify: Screen recorder for Google Chrome

If you like doing tutorials on your web browser and directly publish your videos to #YouTube this tool is for you. The free version allows you to make 10 minutes videos and post them into your Google Drive. You can focus your mouse, display your webcam for more personalized videos and also record you sound […]

Lifehack Music Technology Video

Detect any music playing on your browser with ARCLOUD

If you want to detect any music that is playing on your browser for example from a #Youtube video thanks to music fingerprint technologie that ARCloud provides for free trough their #Google #Chrome #Extension. If you want to install the extension it here: If you are interested with Fingerprint Music Detection there is a […]

Programming Technology

Google Chrome Extension for WordPress

Create your own Google Chrome Extension for you WordPress Website If you want to build a Google Chrome Extension to display your latest WordPress posts you can use the following code I committed into GitHub. I used code from another blog but unfortunately it was using Google Feed Api witch was deprecated in December 15th, […]

Programming Technology

Larbizard Chrome Extension

Install the new Larbizard chrome extension to directly get the latest posts in your Chrome browser ! To install click here:

business Edito Programming Technology

Editorial 01/30/2018

It’s been a long time since I haven’t written and editorial. New stuff is coming on the blog I am participating to a Startup Weekend by Techstars in Montreal on the 9 -10 – 11 March SW DIVERSITÉ organized by “Jeune Chambre de Commerce Haïtienne” in collaboration with “Ideal Co working“. This 54 hours weekends […]

Programming Technology

Change template footer in Yootheme Joomla Template

1 – First go to Extensions -> Templates -> Styles   2 – Then click on your yootheme default style (in the Default column the star must be yellow)   3 – Then click on open with builder 4 – Click on LAYOUT 5 – Click on FOOTER 6 – You should see a Grid […]

Kitchen Lifehack

Tchicha Semolina Tomato Moroccan Soup

Recipe : 300g semolina Tomato sauce Half onion 4 garlic cloves Coriander Paprika Turmeric Salt Pepper

Research Studies

Trouver un premier travail payant a Québec en tant que génie Électrique

Le parcours pour trouver un travail payant je ne vous le cache pas a été très périlleux ! Mais merci a mon amie qui a su me “Ploguer”. Tout commence quand j’entame ma deuxième année au Québec a l’université Laval. On est en septembre 2012 et dans ma classe de signaux et systèmes discrets je […]


Léon l’Africain

I had the opportunity to talk about the story of great man Léon l’Africain and talk about what he inspired me. Thanks to Coin de page and a special thanks to Jean-Simon Côté, François Rousseau et Audrey Létourneau.



This a tutorial for a “Do it your self ” NAS Bay using a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B thanks to techradar for the steps to follow, to enhance the tutorial I wanted to make a video explaining what to do.