Electronics Engineering Engineering Hack Hack Lifehack Lifehack Programming SEO Technology Technology Work

Le monde du libre au Maroc

Compte rendu de Zanane Mohamed sur le libre au Maroc au RML 2007 Amiens The videos are distributed under a Creative Commons license Les vidéos sont distribuées sous licence Creative Commons Source: Mohamed Zanane sur Twitter: @zanane_ Compte rendu en date du 14 juillet 2007 : 10 associations qui oeuvrent dans le domaine […]

Engineering Programming Technology

Linus Torvalds quote

Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program. Linus Torvalds

paiement Programming Programming


Erreur : Nous vous informons que votre interface retour a emis un accuse de reception INVALIDE et la commande a ete VALIDEE. Solution : S’assurer de ne faire aucune redirection dans le fichier .htaccess: Si le port utilisé est 80 le lien de retour doit être http:// Si le port utilisé est 443 le lien […]

Hack Programming Technology

NextCloud SQlite to MySQL migration on Hostgator

Programming Programming Technology

Calendar settings customization

This is an open source module we developed at Savoir Faire Linux for customizing the Odoo calendar easily. All the logic behind the calendar is based on the library see below.  This module allows changing Odoo default calendar settings (based on Javascript library ““) In order to change the « Calendar Settings »: Go to « Settings → […]

Edito Lifehack Programming Technology Work

Editorial – Web developement routine

Web development is my every day alarm clock. Every day when I wake up I drink some Python Django code with spread CSS butter on HTML toasts. At lunch I devour my dish by committing my code to my Heroku repository. And by the end of the day I adapt my web app using an […]

business Programming Technology

Organize your projects – Redmine and Heroku

If you are an software entrepreneur and you have many projects you must organize you work using a management tool. Redmine is the entrepreneur it’s open source (written in Ruby), you can deploy it on your local server. But if you want to collaborate with other coworkers and specially around the globe you have to go […]

business Programming Programming SEO Technology

Google Adsense introduces AI for Auto Adds

Since Google has developed it’s own AI they just introduced Auto Ads a new way to adapt ads on you’re web page. Using Google machine learning technologie Auto Ads understands your page structure and improves Ads on your website. Auto Ads can help you increase your revenu by automatically ajusting ads on your page. What are […]

Programming Technology

Google Chrome Extension for WordPress

Create your own Google Chrome Extension for you WordPress Website If you want to build a Google Chrome Extension to display your latest WordPress posts you can use the following code I committed into GitHub. I used code from another blog but unfortunately it was using Google Feed Api witch was deprecated in December 15th, […]

Programming Technology

Larbizard Chrome Extension

Install the new Larbizard chrome extension to directly get the latest posts in your Chrome browser ! To install click here: